Contact address:

Swiss E-Car
Industriestrasse 20
PO Box
CH – 5001 Aarau
T +41 62 834 28 28

Commercial registration

Registered company name: Swiss E-Car AG
UID: CHE-241.112.749
Commercial registration office: Aarau
VAT ID number CHE-241.112.749 MWST

Conditions of use

The Swiss E-Car website may only be used for personal purposes. By accessing the website, users accept the following provisions.

Legal notice

Swiss E-Car AG cannot guarantee that the information provided is correct, accurate, up-to-date, reliable and complete.
Swiss E-Car AG cannot be held liable for loss or moral prejudice arising from access to, use of, or failure to use the information published, or as a result of misuse of the connection or technical faults.
All offers are non-binding. Swiss E-Car AG reserves the right to change, supplement and delete parts of or the whole website, and to temporarily or permanently suspend the website.

Liability for links

References and links to third-party websites are outside our area of responsibility. We cannot accept any liability for such websites. Access to and the use of such websites is at the user’s risk.

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The copyright, rights of authorship and all other rights to content, images, photos or other files on the website are held exclusively by Swiss E-Car AG. Third-party copyright and rights of ownership reserved (Foto Basler, Aarau, Thinkstock, Fotolia, iStockphoto). The prior written consent of the holder of the copyright or right of ownership is required before the reproduction of any element, and the source must always be clearly referenced.

Website concept and implementation

Systemhaus Ulm GmbH
Hörvelsinger Weg 25
D-89081 Ulm